The village was very well endowed with the adjoining bowls green, tennis courts, squash courts, swimming pool and 9 hole golf course with a club house and caddy facilities, in addition to the main sports field, with its concrete cricket pitch, a short distance away.
Reference: Harry Mulholland Collection
Karen Muir opens the swimming pool in 1969
Karen Muir the Springbok child prodigy swimmer, who held fifteen world records at the time, opened the swimming pool. Us kids, although of similar age to Karen, climbed onto the tennis court perimeter fence to get a better view of her swim. Few swimming pools existed in those days. The public sea pool at Inyoni Rocks at Toti and a private swimming pool at the Anderton’s house in Radar Crescent Athlone Park were the main locations for swimming before the Twini pool opened. In the summer months Mrs Anderton, would invite her lady friends around the pool for one afternoon per week. All the kids from far and wide would also be welcome to go swimming at the same time, with the ladies keeping a keen eye out for any silly activities. Bryan H. and Kathleen T. reminded me that the Mulhollands also welcomed locals to their swimming pool before Mrs Anderton did.
Reference: Harry Mulholland Collection
1969 opening of the swimming pool showing Mack Mulholland, Karen Muir and Harry Mulholland
The golf course, originally cleared to grow cotton, was always kept in immaculate condition. It was a good short cut when walking to Toti provided you kept an eye out for whizzing golf balls. I vaguely recall hearing that Gary Player, one of the greatest golfers of all time, played on the course. The well-known Indian player Sewsunker Sewgolum, known as “Papwa” also won a major title at the course. The other nearest golf course at Twini lagoon was usually referred to as the Isipingo Golf Club although officially named the Amanzimtoti Golf Club.
Reference: Umbogintwini Club Memories Facebook Group
1995 aerial view to Toti showing the Jubilee Hall, tennis courts, club house and Twini golf course